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Why I do what I do.


As a result of a 20 year illness that has effected our family, we know first hand the devastating effects of what are called "indirect costs" of health care.  


Indirect costs include everything from lost wages and high deductibles, additional living expenses, items not covered by health insurance as well as alternative care, travel, special diets and so much more. Often times these costs can be in the "tens of thousands" of dollars.


Once I became aware of the protection I am able to offer my clients with supplemental plans,  I realized that I had the opportunity to impact individuals and families in unique and very meaningful way.


My heart breaks every time I see another

"Go Fund Me" page on Facebook

stating that someone is at risk of

losing their home, not able to continue

with their life's work or needing to tell their children that they just cannot afford  to pay for their favorite camp, sport or activity all because of the outrageous cost of cancer or severe illness. 

Mark Creamer,
Principle Agent

Welcome to the Mark Creamer Agency. 

Founded in 1999, serving Oregon, Washington, Nebraska and Utah. Referral to Agents in other States can be provided.  

If only I could have had the opportunity to talk with them before they were diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or had that serious accident, I would have been able to protect their finances and their future. 


When devastating illness or injury occurs,

the last thing one should have to

think about is money.  My passion is to be

the one who takes the financial stress away,

so my clients can then focus on getting well and spend valuable time with their family.


One of my favorite quotes:

" You Make a Living by What you Get,

You Make a Life by What You Give"

Winston Churchil


I hope you will allow me to give you  "Peace of Mind"

when you need it most.


Contact me today to learn more! Click Here!



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